This time we decided to go for our small fly fishing trip much more to the mountains.

Two rivers were our main target – Biały Dunajec and Białka Tatrzańska, whch starts in Zakopane area, Tatry mountains.

We started in Biały Dunajec village. I was fishing with small streamer, my wife and my friend with nymphing setup. It was still a bit cold, and we didn’t see any hatch. My wife went in, and in couple casts cought nice wild brown trout. Fish attacked small nymph on the dropper. I had no luck with streamer, saw just one fish following my fly, and nothing more. Agnes cought couple more fish, and we changed the fishing pool. In the meantime my brother and our friend cought also some brown trouts on the nymph.

Next pool we visit was nice and deep, with calm water in the middle. I also tried my little marabou streamer there, but also no luck. It was day for nymph fishing. We spent couple more hours and changed fishing areas. Cought totally about 25 fish, mostly brown trouts, but also couple graylings.
It was really nice time spent with great people.

Today it’s time to tie flies, and rest a bit. Trouts need to wait 😉
Have a nice day!

Wojtek Kudłacz